Who is the Authorised Representative?
Written by Tracy Slosse
Updated over a week ago

The Authorised Representative (AR) is appointed by the OBP. The AR should be a senior officer who is authorised to sign on behalf of the company, the person holding the position of CEO, CFO, CIO or a member of the management board. Only the named AR is able to sign the Participation Agreement in name and on behalf of the OBP company. The AR will confirm that the SPOC is a legitimate person who has the authority to manage the project in name and on behalf of the OBP.
The OBP has to ensure that:

  1. The named Authorised Representative is entitled to sign on behalf of the company

  2. The copy of proof attached in confirms the entitlement of the Authorised Representative to sign on behalf of the company

  3. The person listed as the Authorised Representative is the person that actually signed the Participation Agreement

  4. The full name of the AR is provided, without translation nor abbreviation, as it appears in the national register.

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