The "Restricted" view might have different root causes and therefore different solutions.
1. First of all, please make sure that you are not trying to have access to the EMVO Gateway Operational Site with your Master Account:
Operational Site:
The Master account is the account that has been created by us at the moment of your registration in the EMVO Gateway.
The Master Account should only be used in the User Management Site:
and in the Admin Section in the Operational Site - to create Sources and Organisation.
2. Please make sure that you are entering in the Operational Site with one of these created accounts.
You will also need to create a group and assign the user to this group
(Groups will be in the end the entities which will define the permissions)
3. Please make sure that the group created in the User Management has been linked to the Source or Organisation in the Operational Site.
As soon as the group - which contain the user created - is linked to the Source or Organisation that you want to have access, this user will have access to it and the "Restricted" sign will disappear.