OBPs which have not completed the mandatory fields are prevented from uploading data to the EU Hub. To resolve this issue, we kindly invite you to take the necessary required actions:
Check your data: Ensure all mandatory fields are properly completed when uploading PMD/PPD to the EU Hub. Please note this step must not be executed in the OBP Portal, but through your Gateway provider.
Check your systems: Coordinate with your team or service/connection provider to ensure your systems are ready for the new requirements.
We remind you once again that in case you fail to complete the mandatory fields, you will be prevented from uploading data to the EU Hub starting from 25 January 2025 onwards. This aligns with legal obligations under Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161 (Art. 33).
To help you prepare for the upcoming changes following the deployment of the EU Hub Release 1.16 in the PRD Environment, EMVO organised two workshops for OBPs.
Our helpdesk remains available should you require further assistance.