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Everything you need to know about EU HUB system

EU HUB | Investigation Status Alert
EU HUB | Endpoints
EU HUB - Failed to register product endpoint
EU Hub | Technical Investigation
EU Hub | Pack State Undo Decommissioning
EU Hub | Product Withdrawal
EU HUB | Repack Buffer
EU HUB | IP Address Whitelist
EU HUB | Generate test EU HUB Alert
EU Hub | Endpoint registration
Status of packs intended for the Greek & Italian markets
EU HUB Certificates CSR and PFX Guidelines
What is a designated wholesaler?
Who will check the given access right?
How to set up the coding for the different countries?
EU HUB - Abbreviations Transactions ID
If an OBP opts for a certified Gateway provider, is a full-certification test required?
Can an OBP use the EPCIS standard to upload data to the EMVS?
What is to be done if the original batch number is longer than 20 characters?
EU HUB Certificate | How to run OpenSSL correctly
EU HUB | Security Requirements

EU HUB | Brexit - UK and Ireland shared packs scenarios
Extension Derogation Brexit 2022
EU HUB | What is the legal basis for the exit of UKNI from the EMVS?
EU HUB | When does the Regulation (EU) 2023/1182 (Windsor Framework) become applicable?
EU HUB | What is the consequence for medicine packs aiming to be distributed in UKNI as of 1 January 2025?
EU HUB | What will happen to the UKNI Medicines Verification System after 31 December 2024, should the Regulation (EU) 2023/11821 enter into force on 1 January 2025?
EU HUB | Are there any new technical requirements or specifications that we need to adhere to in order to maintain connectivity with the EU Hub?
EU HUB | Are there new data exchange protocols or encoding standards that need to be implemented?
EU HUB | Will there be any changes in data formats or standards required for transmitting data to and from the EU Hub system post disconnection of the UKNI?
EU HUB | How will the OBPs’ existing data in the EU Hub which includes the target market “GB” be affected by these changes?
EU HUB | How are error responses standardized, and what response codes are used to communicate different types of errors or exceptions?
EU HUB | When should an OBP update the Product Master Data (PMD) which has the market “GB” as one of the designated markets?
EU HUB | Can an OBP upload “GB” single market pack data after 31 December 2024?
EU HUB | Can OBPs upload multi-market packs with the “GB” as one of the designated markets after 31 December, 2024?
EU HUB | What will happen to packs uploaded before 1 January 2025?
EU HUB | How will Product Master Data of single-market GB products be amended on EU-Hub after 1 January 2025? Will it be automatically removed from EU-Hub and OBPs are required to amend only multi-market products with exclusion of GB?
EU HUB | What should be the status of the pack in the EMVS of an EU/EEA pack supplied to the UKNI market?
EU HUB | Which transactions and reports will be affected by NIXIT?
EU HUB | How will the updated EU Hub system integrate with our existing IT infrastructure and systems?
EU HUB | How will the updated EU Hub system handle increased volumes of data and transactions, particularly during peak periods?
EU HUB | What provisions are in place for disaster recovery and redundancy to minimize the risk of data loss or system downtime?
EU HUB | What third-party service providers for us as the OBPs or dependencies are critical for the operation of the EU Hub system, and how will UKNI disconnection impact these relationships?
EU HUB | Are there any changes to existing APIs or the introduction of new ones with the update?
EU HUB | Are there new endpoints introduced or existing endpoints deprecated as a result of regulatory changes or system updates?
EU HUB | Can a UK pharmaceutical company act as an OBP for non-UK MAHs after 31 December 2024, should the Regulation (EU) 2023/11821 enter into force on 1 January 2025*
EU HUB | What are UKNI legacy packs?
EU HUB | What will happen if end-users (pharmacies, wholesalers, etc) in EU/EEA countries need to verify/(undo) decommission UKNI single market legacy packs in their possession after 1 January, 2025*
EU HUB | Will there be any training or support provided to help us adapt to these changes?
EU HUB | Are there resources available to assist with troubleshooting or addressing any issues that may arise during the transition period?
EU HUB | How will you communicate updates and provide ongoing support regarding these changes?