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All CollectionsEU HUBProduct Master Data (PMD)
Why does the EMVS community need good data quality in the Product Master Data uploaded in the EU Hub?
Why does the EMVS community need good data quality in the Product Master Data uploaded in the EU Hub?
Written by Tracy Slosse
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Product Master Data is the base of the EMVS.

As a consequence, qualitative Product Master Data (PMD) is the basis for a reliable and trusted system.

Please be reminded that the data uploaded within the Product Master Data becomes visible, within the limits set out by the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161, to different EMVS users. As an example, the Product Name uploaded as part of a Product Master Data might be displayed on the screen at a point of dispense in a pharmacy and might be read by a National Competent Authority (NCA) as part of one of the EMVS reports available for the NCAs.

If you upload incomplete (e.g. the Product Name does not include the pharmaceutical form and/or the strength) or incorrect PMD (e.g. the Product Name includes an incorrect Strength or a typo), this will be reflected in incorrect/incomplete data being displayed in (e.g.) pharmacies and NCA reports.

Ensuring correct PMD not only allows for complete and correct data being available to the EMVS Users, but it also allows for increased trust, reliability and usability of the system.

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