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No Retrospective Market Corrections Allowed, New Product Code Versioning Required.
No Retrospective Market Corrections Allowed, New Product Code Versioning Required.

No retrospective market updates, new product code required, and IMT's role in cross-market distribution.

Written by Lorenzo Mari
Updated over 6 months ago

After the EU HUB 1.14 release, the EU HUB does not allow retrospective uploads for removing and/or adding target markets.

If the OBP wants to include any changes in the target market (as retrospective is not longer possible) then the OBP will need to create a new version of the product code listing the correct target markets.

Please note that a Batch can only be associated with a single version of a product code, so any batches already associated with a previous version of a product would not be able to be associated with a new version of the product that is created with the correct market list.

Taking into consideration Inter Market Transactions (IMT), the distribution and serialization will be managed through IMT, which ensures that when a national system has no record of a pack, it can send an Intermarket Transaction request via the EU Hub. The EU HUB will relay the request to the appropriate market able to fulfill it, either for verification or state change of the product pack. This process guarantees that distribution across markets is seamless and compliant with the EU-wide regulations.

For more information about IMT, please read the following article: IMTs (Intermarket Transactions)

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