Prerequisites: Download OpenSSL at this link
Open the Folder OpenSSL -> right-click in the file OpenSSL.exe and RUN AS AN ADMINISTRATOR
To create a CSR file successfully, open the OpenSSL application inside the bin folder of the OpenSSL installation folder as an administrator and type in the following command(line 1):
req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out XXXX.csr -keyout XXXX.key
This will create the .csr file and its .key inside the bin folder.
After uploading the CSR, downloading the Certificate from the portal, and placing it in the bin folder, you will need to enter the following command (line 2):
pkcs7 -print_certs -in XXXX.P7B -out XXXX.cer
(certificate-IQEHub.P7B changes depending on the environment)
This will create the .cer file inside the bin folder.
and then line 3:
pkcs12 -export -in XXXX.cer -inkey XXXX.key -out XXXX.pfx
This will create the .pfx file inside the bin folder.
The letters XXXX - can be replaced as you wish, but please note that the naming of the files must be the same throughout the process. As an example, if you name the .key file as EMVO.key in line 3 it should also be named EMVO.key
For further clarification on this article please feel free to contact the EMVO Service Desk at