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EU HUB - Abbreviations Transactions ID
EU HUB - Abbreviations Transactions ID

How to read the Transaction ID?

Written by Lorenzo Mari
Updated over a week ago

The message and transaction identifiers of messages sent by and assigned by the Hub are based on the following consistent format comprising 34 alphanumeric characters.



  • message-type = 4 character message type identifier, see below for details

    The 4-character message type identifier is a constrained list based on the following:

    • PMDR = Product Master Data Request

    • PPDC = Product Pack Upload Create

    • PPDM = Product Pack Upload Modify

    • VBOP = Verify Bulk of Packs

    • RCBR = Recall Batch Request

    • PSUxx = Pack State Update Request

      Where xx:

      • DC = Decommission,

      • UD = Undo Decommission,

      • RP = Decommission for Repack,

      • UR = Undo Decommission for Repack,

      • EX = Exported from EU,

      • UE = Undo Export from EU,

      • DS = Dispense,

      • US = Undo Dispense

    • RPRQ = Request Report

    • RRRQ = Retrieve Report

    • RGST = Register Security Session Token

    • RSST = Reset Security Session Token

    • ORGR = Manage Organisation Account Request

    • CLIR = Manage Client Account Request

    • ALRT = Alert Request

    • SBRS = Subscribe to Reporting Services

    • SBPS = Subscribe to Product Services

    • STyy = Status Message to a Request

      Where yy:

      • VA = Valid,

      • IV = Invalid,

      • LD = Loaded,

      • DS = Distributed,

      • DF = Distribution Failed

    • IMT = Inter-Market Transaction

  • identifier-type = 2 character identifier type, see below for details

    The 2-character identifier type is a constrained list based on the following:

    • RQ = Request

    • AK = Ack

    • RS = Response Message (callback)

    • TX = Transaction ID

  • actor-type = 1 character actor type, see below for details

    The 1 character actor type is a constrained list based on the following:

    • M = Manufacturer

    • D = Parallel Distributor

    • P = Pharmacy

    • W = Wholesaler

    • N = National System

    • H = Hub

  • organisation-id = 5-digit organization identifier as stored in the Administration data store left padded with zeroes

    In PSUN the Organization ID contains the NMVS where the Hub is sending the request.

    In IMT the Organization ID identifier the initiating market of the IMT and is different because the TX was initiated by a specific market and another one needs to fulfill it.

  • client-id = 5-digit client identifier as stored in the Administration data store (and used as the identifier of the client in the x.509 certificates), left padded with zeroes

  • year = 4-digit year, such as 2023

  • day = 3-digit day of the year, such as 065, left padded with zeroes if necessary

  • unique-reference = 10 alphanumeric characters assigned by the client and which must be unique within the year and day specified for the client within the organization, such as 0123456789 or ABCDEFGHIJ.

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