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Alert Management System (AMS)
Everything you need to know about AMS
AMS - Is the use of the EAMS mandatory?
AMS - Is the AMS production environment live?
What does the EAMS Landscape look like and how is EAMS connected to the EMVS?
AMS - Will OBPs get an AMS system on OBP basis or MAH basis?
AMS - How will user privacy be protected for public comments?
AMS - Will EMVO be continuing with email alerts? Or is this the only way for OBP to receive the alerts data?
AMS - Will OBPs/MAHs get an automated email when an action is required in the AMS?
AMS - Is the client ID unique for every alert or will it stay the same for the client for all transactions?
AMS - Will all the alerts we have received (in the past) be listed in the AMS, or only alerts raised from the date we are given access to AMS?
AMS - How does escalation plan in practical terms looks like?
AMS - Is the use of the AMS mandatory?
AMS - Is there an acceptable timescale for responding to alerts?
AMS - What happens if past alerts are not fixed?
AMS | Do I need to use the AMS API and/or the AMS portal?
AMS - Are there any additional fees for the use of the AMS Hub and/or AMS Portal?
AMS - Will different countries have different times to investigate alerts?
How to handle alerts generated on a Product Code not belonging to the OBP that raised the alert, in the AMS Portal
AMS - How to create users in the AMS Portal
AMS - What are team/group assignment?
AMS - How to create teams and view alerts in the AMS Portal
AMS - How to Renew Secret
AMS - Can a specific user be notified if a certain alert appears (i.e., alert for a certain country)?
AMS - Can an email to outside users be generated?
AMS - Is it possible to categorize user by type of access? E.g. some will have only display permit?
AMS - Is the AMS connected to the national AMS’ and how?
AMS - Will the AMS replace the other national AMS’ which are in place?
AMS - As some NMVOs have their own systems, will actions executed in the national system automatically update the AMS or will the action have to be executed in both systems?
Will the AMS be implemented in countries where a transition period is still in progress?
AMS - What is planned with regards to end-user training for this system (i.e. pharmacy employees etc)?
AMS - As an OBP, can I create users for MAH employees? (MAH: another company but listed as MAH to EMVO)
AMS - Will it be possible to inform a pharmacy/hospital causing alerts due to wrong scanning settings?
AMS - How can we contact the pharmacy if they do not answer the AMS message?
AMS - What stops a manufacturer from setting all alerts to closed without investigating them?
AMS - Is it possible for "end-user" to see the comments or to add his own comment after an alert?
[AMS] AMS Portal Password Expiry
AMS | Is it possible to see the complete list of countries categorized as "connected to AMS portal" and "not connected to AMS portal" in the system?
AMS | Is there a max. amount of Alerts available per download (e.g. 1,000 lines per download) or is it unlimited?
AMS - How to reset your AMS Portal Password
AMS - Is there a User Manual for the AMS Portal?
AMS - Will an OBP/MAH be able to handle all tasks/functions in the AMS portal?
AMS - Can different OBPs/MAHs work under the same account within the AMS Portal?
AMS - How to change the alert status
AMS | How to change the investigation status
AMS - How to export alerts from the AMS Portal?
AMS - Will alert notifications be available in the portal only, or also via a separate email notification?
AMS - Is it possible to implement a tool that selects alerts on the basis of common mistakes (for example, automatically select alerts where the serial number has lower case letters, special characters etc.)?
AMS - Will there be a reporting section, including graphs on trends, number of alerts,... ?
AMS - For how long do we need to archive alerts information?
AMS - In grouped alerts, will the investigation comments be updated to all the alerts in that group?
AMS - Is it mandatory for MAHs to tick as investigated (“closed” in the AMS Portal) all alerts in EMVO?
AMS - Will bulk action rules and bulk communications be possible?
AMS - Alert Archiving
AMS - What will the home page of the AMS Portal be?
AMS - Is it possible to apply filters in the alert dashboard?
AMS | Is the tag system to be able to handle many alerts with the same cause at the same time?
AMS | Can alerts raised by technical issues be managed/filtered by the AMS so the MAH is not expected to react to each alert?
AMS | What is the purpose of setting up the SNs-based rule?
AMS - Will there be the option to define own criteria to filter for specific issues like length of serial number, etc.
AMS | Can alerts be retrieved by additional parameters (as specific characters in a Batch number, country, etc)? Or filter all S/N with 24 digits
AMS - How to send a messages
AMS - Is it possible to send a message to the end-user that raised the alert to get more details about them, their location or their contact details via the AMS conversation section?
AMS - How do we upload files and pictures and who will be able to see them?
AMS - Can we ask a question destined to the end-user / pharmacy to get a picture? or the detail of the HRI?
AMS - Is the message sent with "send message" function, received by the end-user that caused the Alert? How is this information retrieved by that end-user?
AMS - On what technology are the AMS Portal and the AMS Hub built?
AMS Audit reports
AMS - Did EMVO develop both, the AMS Portal and the AMS Hub by itself?
AMS - Which provider is hosting the AMS Portal and AMS Hub?
AMS - Who will manage Network Vulnerability and Application Security for the solution?
AMS - EMVO certification
AMS - Who is responsible for the validation of the AMS Portal and the AMS Hub?
AMS - Where can I find the Data Privacy Statement?
AMS - How many administrators are there for both, the AMS Portal and the AMS Hub?
AMS - Will the portal be validated by EMVO, or are OBP’s expected to validate their connection?